Membership Information
If you are not currently a member of the Georgia Society of Interventional Pain Physicians, we would like to take this opportunity to invite
you to join your state specialty organization. GSIPP strives to promote the development and practice of safe, high quality, cost-effective
interventional pain management techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of pain related disorders, and to ensure patient access to these
interventions. One the society's goals continues to be increasing membership so we can have a greater impact on political issues and a greater
presence in Georgia. With so much uncertainty as to the future of health care, we must be able to come together as one voice to represent our
specialty in our state.
Active Member | $95 ANNUAL DUES
- Active Members shall be physicians (Doctor of Medicine or equivalent, of Doctor of Osteopathy) who have an unrestricted license to practice medicine within the United States of America. In addition, Active Members shall be (i) anesthesiologists, physiatrists, neurologists and neurosurgeons who in their medical practice spend at least a portion of their professional time performing interventional pain management and related activities or (ii) physicians of other specialties (e.g., orthopedic surgeons, radiologists) who actively practice interventional pain management (defined as devoting at least fifty percent (50%) of the physician's professional time to the performance of interventional pain management techniques).
- Active Members may vote, hold office, serve on committees, and are required to pay dues. Active Members may only hold office after having been an Active Member or Associate Member for at least one (1) full calendar year. Active Members are Voting Members.
Associate Member | $95 ANNUAL DUES
- Associate Members shall be comprised of individuals from the following groups:
Physicians not involved in active interventional pain management; or
Non-physicians, including nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, psychologists, physical therapists, residents, and scientists who are engaged in research, clinical practice of non-interventional techniques, or administrative aspects of interventional pain management.
- A non-physician desiring to become an Associate Member must submit, in addition to any other documents required by the Society, sponsorship by two current Active Members in good standing, stating that the Active Member (i) recommends that the person be permitted to join the Society as an Associate Member and (ii) is sponsoring said membership.
- Associate Members may not hold office, but may vote and serve on committees, and are required to pay dues. Associate Members are Voting Members.